Sunday 21 July 2013

Saving the Good - Losing the Bad

The Good
We have some awesome magazines here in New Zealand. Being a magazine addict (under control) I always look at magazines when I am in a different country, and remain impressed by what we have here.
I caved and bought "Green Ideas" magazine last week, and have to say I have markers hanging out of it on interesting pages.

I'm going to suggest that our library might like to stock this magazine as it would fit well there (and that's one less that I will be tempted to buy).
In the article Wetland Wonders I read about the Australasian Bittern, which is a bird that makes a sound like when you blow into the top of a bottle, a booming noise.

We have some here, and I was delighted to spot one some months back when I was out on a bike ride past the mangroves. They stand still with their head in the air, pretending they are reeds, which is ok, but my partner Derek has seen one do this in the middle of the road. Anyway, turns out they are endangered, with only approximately 1,000 left in New Zealand. I'd say we are fairly lucky to have seen them here.Bittern info link here

The Bad
Look at this lovely plant

...we nabbed a piece from a bank in a residential area thinking it would be good for our subtropical themed planting. Turns out it is a noxious weed - Palmgrass. So today..out it goes. I will have to kill it by sealing it in a black rubbish bag and leaving it to cook somewhere- like on the shed roof.

Mail Art
I've sent this wooden postcard I made to Annabel Langbein's people, in thanks for her latest cookbook "Simple Pleasures" which they sent me after I asked permission to use her icecream recipe on my blog.

The latest cookbook is as beautiful as her last one, and I can't wait to try the recipes. I love how she emphasizes homegrown or local ingredients, and simplicity.

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